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1998 Resolution by the Kansas Association for Native American Education

WHEREAS. The Kansas Association for Native American Education (KANAE) recognizes the stereotypic and discriminatory practices associated with the usage of American Indian mascots and logos by public and private schools in the State of Kansas, and

WHEREAS. The Kansas Association for Native American Education recommends the Kansas State Board of Education and the Kansas State High School Activities Association (KSHSAA) take immediate action in conjunction with Tribal organization and local schools to begin a review of the use of American Indian mascots and logos, and

WHEREAS. The Kansas Association for Native American Education calls upon all Tribal Councils, tribal and educational organizations, the media, the individual citizens of the State of Kansas to call for the banishment of all current American Indian related mascots and logos used by public and private schools in the State of Kansas, and

WHEREAS. The Kansas Association for Native American Education has identified such problems which impact and interfere with American Indian people realizing their full potential in the educational institutions and the damage to their self-esteem and cultural identity.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, The Kansas Association for Native American Education calls for the elimination of use of American Indian mascots and logos in all public and private schools in the State of Kansas, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The Kansas Association for Native American Education calls upon the Kansas State Board of Education and the Kansas State High School Activities Association for immediate adoption of policies and rules eliminating the usage of American Indian mascots and logos for school programs.   To this end, KANAE will work through educational, political, and legislative means until Kansas public schools are free of such stereotypes.

I certify that the above Resolution #98-1 of KANAE was duly adopted this 3rd day of March, 1998

Signed:           Thomas Fee                                  Mary J. Wilson
                      President, KANAE                       Secretary, KANAE

This document was kindly made available by Dr. Cornel Pewewardy

KANAE Mascot Task Force
c/o Dr. Cornel Pewewardy
Pelathe Community Resource Center
1423 Haskell Avenue
Lawrence, Kansas 66044
Telephone - 785 841-7202